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OPTIMA system Leuchtturm

Top selling items in the category OPTIMA system

OPTIMA Interleaves, black (10 pcs)
Availability: On Preorder (7-10 Days).
4,83 EUR
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Desky OPTIMA F bez ochranné kazety
The capacity of the plates is 50 OPTIMA sheets.
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 14 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!18,87 EUR
Album na mince "World Money" Optima (bez kazety)
Includes binder and sheets.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 2 Pcs
Price34,46 EUR
Pořadač OPTIMA Gigant s kazetou
With protective cassette!
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 2 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!43,24 EUR
Album na mince OPTIMA + 10 listů OPTIMA (+ kazeta) |
- capacity of up to 25 Leuchtturm OPTIMA coin sheets
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 3 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!48,28 EUR
Desky OPTIMA PUR s kazetou
Product without adding PVC.
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 13 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!15,34 EUR
Discount22 %
Before19,54 EUR
OPTIMA listy SORT - sestava mincovních listů
OPTIMA sheets for coins.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 3 Pcs
Price8,61 EUR
Discount9 %
Before9,45 EUR
Album na mince "World Money" Optima s kazetou
Includes plates, sheets and protective case.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price33,57 EUR
Discount15 %
Before39,29 EUR
Padded boards without leaves.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 5 Pcs
Price16,77 EUR
Discount11 %
Before18,87 EUR
Desky OPTIMA F s kazetou
The binder capacity is up to 50 OPTIMA sheets.
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 1 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!37,78 EUR
Desky OPTIMA Classic Gigant s kazetou
Classic-OPTIMA G Binder, incl. slipcase, with extra-large capacity
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 8 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!41,98 EUR
OPTIMA sheets - 2C XL Euro gift sets
Crystal clear and robust, insert strips made from special film free of chemical softeners
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 5 Pcs
Price9,03 EUR
Discount14 %
Before10,51 EUR
OPTIMA-Classic ring Binder  | red
Bookbinder's quality, leatherette cover, sturdy 4 D-ring mechanism. Overall size: 245 x 270 mm. ...
Availability: depending on variant
Stock: 1 Pcs
!_cena s dph od_!25,17 EUR
Discount8 %
Before27,31 EUR
VISTA - OPTIMA plates - € coins, banknotes, stamps (without protective cassette)
VISTA and OPTIMA leaf boards!
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 14 Pcs
Price31,47 EUR
OPTIMA M 6 - Coin Sheets for 6 coins up to 65 mm ø, clear
Listprice € 6,95,-
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 12 Pcs
Price8,19 EUR
OPTIMA coin sheets.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 15 Pcs
Price9,45 EUR
Discount12 %
Before10,72 EUR
OPTIMA listy 34 - 24 polí na mince do ø 34 mm
Optima coin sheets.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 13 Pcs
Price9,45 EUR
Discount12 %
Before10,72 EUR
OPTIMA mincovní listy - 54 polí na mince do ø 20 mm
OPTIMA coin sheets.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 10 Pcs
Price9,45 EUR
Discount12 %
Before10,72 EUR
OPTIMA listy EURO - mincovní listy na 5 Euro sad (bal. 5 ks)
OPTIMA coin sheets for EURO coin sets.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 10 Pcs
Price7,56 EUR
Discount8 %
Before8,19 EUR
Leuchtturm OPTIMA 42 - mincovní listy 15 polí do ø 42 mm
Leuchttrum OPTIMA coin sheets - ideal for safe storage of the collection. |
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 11 Pcs
Price9,45 EUR
Discount12 %
Before10,72 EUR
OPTIMA sheets - K50 - 12 fields for coin frames
OPTIMA plastic sheets are made of high quality materials without chlorine content.
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 10 Pcs
Price9,45 EUR
Discount12 %
Before10,72 EUR
Desky OPTIMA classic, pravá kůže s kazetou
Boards covered with genuine leather.
Availability: On Preorder (7-10 Days).
Stock: 0 Pcs
Price54,59 EUR
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!_vice uz toho neni_!

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