Number of Items: 0 0,00 EUR

Stock Book - Československo 1918 - 1938 - A4, 30 pages, white sheets, divided

9 rows and 2 columns per page

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Zásobník - Československo 1918 - 1938 - A4
Zásobník - Československo 1918 - 1938 - A4Zásobník - Československo 1918 - 1938 - A4
Price: 13,80 EUR
Total discount:18 %
Before:16,73 EUR
Availability:depending on variant
Stock:4 Pcs
Packaging: 1 ks/ 1 stück/ 1 piece

9 glassine strips per page, double interleaving, rigid binding, available in 4 colours, divided


Jsem Spakenberg 45

21502 Geesthacht - Německo

From the Same Category - Stock Book - Československo 1918 - 1938 - A4, 30 pages, white sheets, divided

Stock Book - Protektorát Čechy a Morava - A4, 30 pages, white sheets, divided

9 rows and 2 columns per page 9 glassine strips per page, double interleaving, rigid binding, available in 4 colours, divided

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STAMPS stamp trays with colour printing. Stamp tray STAMPS blue format - A5 number of pages - 32 white pages Leuchtturm stamp tray with colour printing. Tray contains white sheets with parchment strips. Tray size is A5. Dimensions: 175 x 226 mm.

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