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Square Coin Capsules QUADRUM Note inner diameter 25 mm

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Price: 5,68 EUR
Total discount:20 %
Before:7,11 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:1 Pcs
Packaging: 10 ks/ 10-pack

The identical outer dimensions of the square capsules allow coins of different sizes to be stored in a single collectors’ system. Square coin capsules made from high-quality, scratch-resistant plastic. Secure yet easy-to-open locking. Capsules incl. precise-fit black insert for all the most common coins with a 14 - 41 mm diameter. Capsules available in mm increments.

Capsule size: 50 x 50 x 6.25 mm.

Packaging unit: pack of 10


Jsem Spakenberg 45

21502 Geesthacht - Německo

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The identical outer dimensions of the square capsules allow coins of different sizes to be stored in a single collectors’ system. Square coin capsules made from high-quality, scratch-resistant plastic. Secure yet easy-to-open locking. Capsules ...

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