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Small coin box VOLTERRA, for 5 QUADRUM

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Small coin box VOLTERRA, for 5 QUADRUM
Small coin box VOLTERRA, for 5 QUADRUMSmall coin box VOLTERRA, for 5 QUADRUM
Price: 29,20 €
Total discount:7 %
Before:31,50 €
Availability:In Stock
Stock:1 Pcs
Cat. price in €: 27,95
Packaging: 1 ks

Incl. satin ribbon in the lid cushion for storing certificates.


Jsem Spakenberg 45

21502 Geesthacht - Německo

From the Same Category - Small coin box VOLTERRA, for 5 QUADRUM

Incl. satin ribbon in the lid cushion for storing certificates.

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Coin Etui VOLTERRA for 4 Quadrum

Outside dimensions: 260 x 93 mm.

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