Number of Items: 0 0,00 EUR

Pocket album for 40 "Euro souvenir" banknotes

Leuchtturm - album for € 0,- souvenir banknote

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Kapesní album na 40 ks "Euro suvenýr" bankovek
Kapesní album na 40 ks "Euro suvenýr" bankovekKapesní album na 40 ks "Euro suvenýr" bankovek
Price: 8,35 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:16 Pcs
Cat. price in €: 9,95,-

Paper album for 40 "Euro souvenir" banknotes

The pocket album is ideal for travelling to exhibitions, stock exchanges or tourist spots where you can get another addition to your collection of "Euro souvenir" €0.00 notes. On our shop you get an album that fits in your handbag, backpack or suitcase thanks to its size. The album will give your banknotes ideal protection from damage.

Album has a solid cover covered with hard blue plastic with silver printing. Inside the album are sewn solid transparet sheets for up to 40 souvenir 0,-€ banknotes when used on one side.

All album sheets are made of high quality plastic without plasticizers.

Album size: 150 x 95 x 20 mm.


Jsem Spakenberg 45

21502 Geesthacht - Německo

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