Number of Items: 0 0,00 EUR

North Korea (P 43) - 100 won (1992) - UNC

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Kim Ir Sen
Kim Ir Senbankovky Kim Ir Sen
Producer:Severní Korea
Price: 1,64 EUR
Total discount:22 %
Before:2,10 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:11 Pcs
State: UNC
Year: 1992
Catalogue Number: P 43
Cat. price in $: 12,-

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From the Same Category - North Korea (P 43) - 100 won (1992) - UNC

North Korea (P CS16) 2000 won banknote (2012) - UNC - imprint

imprint - 100th ANNIVERSARY OF KIM IL SUNG'S BIRTH In 2012, North Korea marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il-sung, a leader who became a central figure in North Korean history. This significant milestone has ...

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