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World War II - Generalgouvernement

Generální gouvernement (1939–1945) (German Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete, Polish Generalne Gubernatorstwo, often inšak colloquially Generalna Gubernia) was a úland-sprá unit createdá onábasis of Hitler's decree of 12. 1939 withúactivityí from 26. October, 1939, whichá included the partá of the occupiedá countryá of the originalá intermediateá Poland, whichá was an autonomousá partá of theá Thirdá Orderá š. At its head was Generalální Governorér Hans Frank.

From the point of view of the internationaláá&native práva was, according to section III. Quarté of the Hagueé Convention (1907), which Germany also accepted, made the Generalé Gouvernement illegal from the beginning.The area was not a puppet state; its people had no intention of cooperating with the Poles; the people and the administration were composed mainly of Germans with the aim of making the area an ethnically German province.The Poles were to be completely evicted.



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