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(2009) MiNr. 4684 ** - Francie - 20 let Mezinárodní festival plakátového umění a grafiky, Chaumont
France - Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price0,84 EUR
(2009) MiNr. 4699 ** - Francie - Umění
France - Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 6 Pcs
Price1,97 EUR
(2009) MiNr. 4756 ** - Francie - 100 let Památník univerzální poštovní unie, Bern - René de Saint-Marceaux, sochař
France - Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 2 Pcs
Price1,47 EUR
(2009) MiNr. 4763 ** - Francie - Umění - Procházka; Obraz: Hansi, tedy Jean-Jacques Waltz
France - Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price1,34 EUR
(2010) MiNr. 4865 ** - Francie - André Diligent Muzeum umění a řemesel "La Piscine", Roubaix
France - Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 3 Pcs
Price1,26 EUR
(2011) MiNr. 5071 ** - France - stamp: Jean Bazaine, painting "Diving"
Postage stamps of France
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 2 Pcs
Price1,38 EUR
(2012) MiNr. 5430 ** - Francie - BLOCK 205 - 1 rok nového poštovního kurzu
- 1 year new post special rates
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 5 Pcs
Price2,56 EUR
(2013) MiNr. 5496 - 5497 ** - Francie - PL - srdce
Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price69,99 EUR
(2013) MiNr. 5496 - 5497 ** - Francie - srdce
- heart
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 3 Pcs
Price2,31 EUR
Discount2 %
Before2,35 EUR
(2013) MiNr. 5504 ** - Francie - umění
- art
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 2 Pcs
Price2,35 EUR
(2014) MiNr. 5760 ** - Francie - PL -  Valentýn
- Valentine's Day
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price4,41 EUR
(2015) MiNr. 5781 ** - Maďarsko - BLOCK 381 - 88. poštovní známka "Tata"
Postage stamps
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price5,41 EUR
150 years Red Cross
- 150 years Red Cross
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price7,30 EUR
(2015) MiNr. 6058 - 6059 ** - Francie -  Valentýn
- Valentine's Day
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 2 Pcs
Price2,64 EUR
(2015) MiNr. 6153-6158 ** - Francie - BLOCK 290 - 60. léta
- The 60s
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 2 Pcs
Price6,59 EUR
(2016) MiNr. 6412 ** - € 0,70 - Francie -  Řemesla (I)
- Postage stamps of France
Availability: In Stock
Stock: 1 Pcs
Price1,09 EUR
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