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FDC MiNr. 739 (18.8.1972) - Germany - Memorandum for the Heinrich von Stephan Museum


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FDC MiNr. 739 (18.8.1972) - SRN - Memorandum pro Muzeum Heinricha von Stephana
Producer:Deutsche Bundespost
Price: 1,05 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:1 Pcs
Year: 1972
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 739

Memorandum for the Heinrich von Stephan Museum

Heinrich von Stephan (1831-1897) was an important German postal reformer and founder of the Universal Postal Union. His work had a major influence on the modernisation of the postal system not only in Germany but also internationally. The Heinrich von Stephan Museum is dedicated to his life and legacy, exhibiting period documents, postage stamps and other artifacts related to the history of the postal service.

The memorandum stresses the importance of his reforms, which made postal communication faster and more efficient. Stephan's legacy is still celebrated today, particularly his contribution to connecting the world through the post office.

Frequently Bought Together - FDC MiNr. 739 (18.8.1972) - Germany - Memorandum for the Heinrich von Stephan Museum

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