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Leuchttrum VISTA vintage album for euro coins - year 2019

It does not include sheets for the smallest countries - Monaco, San Marino, Andorra and Vatican City.

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VISTA ročníkové Euro album - ročník 2015
VISTA ročníkové Euro album - ročník 2015Náhradní listy Leuchttrum VISTA.Návod na uložení mincí do alba.
Price: 58,80 EUR
Total discount:14 %
Before:68,09 EUR
Availability:On Preorder (7-10 Days).
Stock:0 Pcs
Cat. price in €: 59,95,-
Packaging: 1 ks/ 1 stück/ 1 piece

Leuchttrum VISTA Vintage Euro Album - 2019

You can get high-quality albums for vintage sets of euro coins in the VISTA system from Leuchttrum. Each album contains sheets for all countries of the Euro zone except for the sheets for the smallest countries Monaco, San Marino, Andorra and Vatican City. The smaller countries issue limited quantities of vintage eurosads, usually in separate cassettes or covers.

You can also purchase the 2015-2018 set at a discounted price in our store.

VISTA sheets are made of strong and thick cardboard with a blue finish. Gold lettering is printed on the labels, and each set also has a colored state flag.

The sheets have a precision cut coin slot. There is a foil grip on the edge of the sheet which you slide out of the sheet, insert the coins into the holes and reinsert the foil to hold the coins in the sheet.

Since 2008 - when the Eurozone expanded - the vintage album has been in VISTA Gigant plates.

Every year - a new vintage album for a comprehensive and clear collection.

Outer dimension: 245 x 270 mm.


Jsem Spakenberg 45

21502 Geesthacht - Německo

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