Number of Items: 0 0,00 €

AU 1C - ( 0,40,-) - VV - distinctive yellow point under the bridge Mark 1,-

- VV - distinctive yellow point under the bridge

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AU 1 - 0,40,- - VV - výrazný žlutý bod pod mostem
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0,88 €Stock: 3In Stock
Code:AU1-001 AU1-002
Producer:Česká pošta
Price: 0,88 €
Availability:In Stock ( Mark 1,- )
Stock:3 Pcs
In stock (all variants):3 Pcs
Denomination of the stamp: 0,40,-

Automatová známka Veveří - AU 1 C/ 1,2 - specialization. Výrobní defect "yellowý point under the bridge".

From the Same Category - AU 1C - ( 0,40,-) - VV - distinctive yellow point under the bridge

AU 1C - VV - black point in "A" - Czech

- VV - black point in "A" - Czech

AU 1C - VV - blue circle before hour digit (0,40,-)

- VV - blue circle on the beach and in green before the hour digit

AU 1C - ( 0,40,-) - VV 4 - strong red line in the lower part of "R" - Republic

- strong red line at the bottom of the "R" - Republic

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