Number of Items: 0 0,00 EUR

Coin Album TGW 268 - + 20 pcs plate sheets black

Album leaves to 268 pieces of coins!

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Coin Album TGW 268 - + 20 pcs plate sheets
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15,52 EURStock: 0Sold out
15,52 EURStock: 0Sold out
15,52 EURStock: 1In Stock
Price: 15,52 EUR
Total discount:15 %
Before:18,17 EUR
Availability:Sold out ( black )
Stock:0 Pcs
In stock (all variants):1 Pcs

Coin Album TGW 248 is a product of the Czech manufacturer. The album includes:
- boards
- 12 pieces of black interleaves
- 4 pieces of plastic sheet 30 TGW
- 4 pieces of plastic sheet 20 TGW
- 4 pieces of plastic sheet 12 TGW
Panels include high quality and strong link 4-D mechanical bond.
The album is possible to insert additional sheets of TGW and leaves the system from the company NUMIS Leuchtturm.
Album Size: 21 x 23.5 x 4 cm.

Frequently Bought Together - Coin Album TGW 268 - + 20 pcs plate sheets

Discount:29,6 %

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