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Album for up to 900 fruit stickers

Organize your fruit sticker collection

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Album až na 900 ks samolepek z ovoce |
Album až na 900 ks samolepek z ovoce | www.tgw.czAlbum až na 900 ks samolepek z ovoce | www.tgw.czAlbum až na 900 ks samolepek z ovoce | www.tgw.czAlbum až na 900 ks samolepek z ovoce |
Price: 5,41 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:1 Pcs
Cat. price in €: 4,99,-

Album up to 900 fruit stickers

Looking for interesting examples of graphic design? Then visit the fruit section of your supermarket! Welcome to the exciting world of fruit sticker collecting.

Stickers are little works of art that make fruits like bananas and apples come to life!
Free collectibles are perfect if you have a passion for graphic
design or just want to motivate yourself to eat more fruit.

When you collect fruit stickers, the fruit section of your supermarket becomes your own art gallery.

  • 61 pages for easy collecting
  • markers for 6 large (e.g. banana) or 15 small (e.g. apple, orange) stickers per page
  • space for up to 900 stickers
  • shrink wrap

Outer format: 150 x 90 mm.


Jsem Spakenberg 45

21502 Geesthacht - Německo

Frequently Bought Together - Album for up to 900 fruit stickers

Cappy - Pear

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