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(2016) MiNo. 907 ** - 32 CZK - Czech Republic - UNESCO - 70 years

Czech Republic - postage stamps

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(2016) č. 909 ** - 32 Kč - Česká republika - UNESCO - 70 let
Producer:Česká pošta
Price: 1,47 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:3 Pcs
Denomination of the stamp: 32 Kč
Year: 2016
Condition: **
Cat. number (POFIS): 909
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 907
Cat. number (St. Gibbons): 861
Cat. number (Yvert et Tellier): 819

UNESCO - 70 Years of World Heritage Protection

The theme "UNESCO - 70 Years" celebrates the landmark anniversary of the organization, which was founded in 1945 as part of the United Nations. Its mission is to promote peace, international cooperation and dialogue through education, science, culture and the protection of world heritage.

In its seven decades of existence, UNESCO has contributed to the preservation of thousands of monuments and natural sites around the world, from historic cities and archaeological sites to biosphere reserves. The organization also promotes education for all, encourages cultural diversity and fights to protect endangered languages and traditions.

The stamp with this theme symbolizes UNESCO's legacy and its importance in preserving our cultural and natural treasures for future generations. It is a reminder that the protection of the world's heritage is a shared responsibility of humanity.

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