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(2009) MiNr. 4710 ** - France - 400th birthday of Etienne Dolet

France - postage stamps

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(2009) MiNr. 4710 ** - Francie - 400. narozeniny Etienne Dolet
Producer:Post France
Price: 0,76 EUR
Total discount:10 %
Before:0,84 EUR
Availability:In Stock
Stock:5 Pcs
Year: 2009
Condition: **
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 4710
Cat. number (St. Gibbons): 4660
Cat. number (Yvert et Tellier): 4377
Catalogue Price: 1,20 ,- Mi€

Étienne Dolet: 400 years since the birth of the controversial humanist and printer

Étienne Dolet (1509-1546) was a French humanist, writer and printer whose life and work greatly influenced the development of the printing press and freedom of thought in the 16th century. Although he was born into the Renaissance, his fate was tragically linked to the religious and intellectual conflicts of the time.

Humanism and the Press

Dolet studied in Paris and Padua, where he came into contact with humanist ideas. He was a passionate supporter of Erasmus of Rotterdam and an admirer of ancient authors, whose works he later published himself. As a printer, he worked mainly in Lyon, where he published not only his own writings but also the works of other humanists and reformers.

His work included translations, commentaries, and criticism focused on Latin and Greek literature. He contributed significantly to the enrichment of the French language and to the dissemination of humanist ideas in print.

Conflict with ecclesiastical authority

Dolet came into repeated conflict with the Inquisition because of his radical views, which the Church considered heretical. Despite this, he continued his printing activities, making many enemies among Catholic authorities.

In 1546 he was arrested, accused of heresy, and eventually sentenced to death. He was burned at the stake in Paris along with his books. His death became a symbol of the struggle for freedom of the press and thought.

The Legacy of Étienne Dolet

Dolet's legacy has endured not only in the field of book printing, but also in the broader debate about freedom of speech and censorship. Today, he is considered one of the pioneers whose work contributed to loosening controls on the dissemination of ideas and information.

His name is still remembered today, particularly in academic circles, but also in wider cultural memory as a symbol of resistance to intellectual oppression.

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