Number of Items: 0 0,00 EUR

(1989) MiNo. 212 - 216 ** - Marshall Islands - 5-er - sea snails - Mitra stitica; Turbo petholatus; Cassis rufa; Druparicinus; Strombus lubamus

Postage stamps

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(1989) MiNr. 212 - 216 ** - Marshallovy ostrovy - 5-pá - mořští plži
!_zbozi jiz neni skladem._!
Producer:Marshall Islands
Price: 3,53 EUR
Availability:Sold out
Stock:0 Pcs
Year: 1989
Condition: **
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 212 - 216
Catalogue Price: 6 ,- Mi€
Topic: plž

From the Same Category - (1989) MiNo. 212 - 216 ** - Marshall Islands - 5-er - sea snails - Mitra stitica; Turbo petholatus; Cassis rufa; Druparicinus; Strombus lubamus

(1962) MiNr. 20a ** - Burudi - African Forest Elephant (Loxodonta africana) - with black overprint

Burundi - postage stamps. The African Elephant: Kings of the African Savannah The African forest elephant ( Loxodonta africana ), the largest land animal in the world, is a true icon of the African wilderness. These giants can weigh up to 6 tonnes ...

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