Number of Items: 0 0,00 EUR

(1976) Isle of Man - 1 Crown - 200th Anniversary of American Independence (0/0)

Isle of Man - commemorative coin |

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(1976) Isle of Man - 1 Crown - dvousté výročí americké nezávislosti (0/0) |
!_zbozi jiz neni skladem._!
Producer:Isle of Man
Price: 23,03 EUR
Availability:Sold out - do not order!
Stock:0 Pcs
State: 0/0
Average: 38,61 mm
Material: Cu, Ni
Circulation: 50000
Weight of the coin: 28,28
Year: 1976

From the Same Category - (1976) Isle of Man - 1 Crown - 200th Anniversary of American Independence (0/0)

(2019) Isle of Man - 6x50 p coin set (AU) Petr Pan

Isle of Man - commemorative coin | (2019) Isle of Man - set of coins 6x 50 p (0/0) Petr Pan Release Date: 7/1/2019 Set: 6x 50 p Commemorative coins issued on the themes of the children's fairy-tale-adventure book Peter and Wendy by the ...

(2018) Isle of Man - 2 £ coins - Hunting the Wren

Isle of Man - Commemorative Coin Although these coins are not out of circulation, they come from sealed bags and as such may have minor marks. See photo for condition.

(2019) Isle of Man - set 3x 2 £ coins - Den D - Montgomery, Churchill, George

Isle of Man - Commemorative Coin Although these coins are not out of circulation, they come from sealed bags and as such may have minor marks. See photo for condition.

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