Number of Items: 0 0,00 €

(1970) MiNr. 244 - 246 ** - Turks and Caicos Islands - Easter: Leaves from Albrecht Dürer's Little Engraving Passion

Turks and Caicos Islands - postage stamps.

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(1970) MiNr. 244 - 246 ** - Turks and Caicos Islands - Velikonoce
Producer:Turks and Caicos Islands
Price: 1,26 €
Availability:In Stock
Stock:4 Pcs
Denomination of the stamp: 5 - 50 Cent
Year: 1970
Condition: **
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 244 - 246
Cat. number (St. Gibbons): 318 - 320
Cat. number (Yvert et Tellier): 243 - 245

From the Same Category - (1970) MiNr. 244 - 246 ** - Turks and Caicos Islands - Easter: Leaves from Albrecht Dürer's Little Engraving Passion

(1978) Yt GQ 153 ** Sheets - Equatorial Guinea - World famous paintings

Africa - Equatorial Guinea - postage stamps -1978 - World famous paintings |

(1968) MiNo. 914 - 915 ** - Monaco - SHEET - Paintings from the princely palace (II)

Monaco - postage stamps Stamp Mi.Nr. 1127 has a shallow perforation.

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