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(1950) Mi.No. 630 - 633 - O - Czechoslovakia - Exhibition of postage stamps Prague 1950

Czechoslovakia - postage stamps - minted

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(1950) č. 558 - 561 - O - Československo - Praha 1950
Producer:Českosloveská pošta
Price: 2,09 €
Availability:Sold out
Stock:0 Pcs
Year: 1950
Condition: O
Cat. number (POFIS): 558-561
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 630-633
Cat. number (St. Gibbons): 429a
Cat. number (Yvert et Tellier): 553A-553D

From the Same Category - (1950) Mi.No. 630 - 633 - O - Czechoslovakia - Exhibition of postage stamps Prague 1950

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