Number of Items: 0 0,00 €

(1916) MiNr. 180 - 184 - O - Austria-Hungary - series: 1st May aid for widows and orphans (II).

- series of stamps

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(1916) MiNr. 180 - 184 - O - Rakousko-Uhersko - pomoc pro vdovy a sirotky
Price: 4,81 €
Availability:In Stock
Stock:1 Pcs
Denomination of the stamp: 3 - 35 hel.
Year: 1915
Condition: ražená
Catalogue no. (MICHEL): 180 - 184
Cat. number (St. Gibbons): 242 - 246
Cat. number (Yvert et Tellier): 138 - 142
Catalogue Price: 20 ,- Mi€


From the Same Category - (1916) MiNr. 180 - 184 - O - Austria-Hungary - series: 1st May aid for widows and orphans (II).

(1917) MiNr. 221 - 224 - O - Austria-Hungary - series: emperor Charles I.

Austria-Hungary - stamp series B = perf. 13:13 - stamp condition and postmark - as per photo

(2006) Letter from Germany to the Czech Republic

Germany - Continents and Entities

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